Here Are A Few Tips To A Perfectly Fitted Cushion. 1. THE BORDER Customers can use the online calculator at the top of the home page to get a rough idea of cost. Then send your covers to us and we will do the rest. Just remove the foam from its covers and pack them up securely (in a box). 2. ADD DACRON & STOCKINETTE For a perfect fit – Match the width of the border to the thickness of the foam then add Dacron, you have 2 choices 6oz or 12 oz. The Dacron will fill out the cover and take up all the loose fabric We would recommend 12oz. Please note Dacron does not affect the firmness or the comfort, its purely for aesthetic reasons. 3. TURN WEEKLY Turn your cushions weekly – If you rotate your cushions on a regular basis and having followed our instructions your cushions should not ride or become miss-shaped.Need Foam Cut to Size? Start using our easy to use ordering software today! ORDER NOW